
This document provides documentation and examples for the roman datamodels package.

The use of datamodels for the calibration pipelines started with the JWST calibration pipelines. The goal for the JWST pipelines was motivated primarily by the need to support FITS data files, specifically with isolating the details of where metadata and data were located in the FITS file from the representation of the same items within the Python code. That is not a concern for Roman since FITS format data files will not be used by the Roman calibration pipelines.

Nevertheless, there are other important benefits for using datamodels for the Roman calibration pipeline. They essentially formalize both the expected structure of the relevant data file and the corresponding Python object that the pipeline will use. Since ASDF is being used, these correspond very closely. Since the datamodels have corresponding schemas for the data files, these schemas are used to validate the datafiles. Furthermore, these schemas also include information used by the ground system to indicate where metadata and data are obtained as well as their destination in the archive catalogs, and most important, serve to keep the ground system definition of the data files and the calibration pipeline definition in sync since both rely on the same schema files.

The schema/datamodel system is also intrinsic to how the ASDF converter machinery reads the ASDF file and converts the contents into Python objects. In this usage, datamodel generally means the definition for a specific kind of data file. It can apply to raw data (i.e., data from the ground system that the calibration pipelines start with), intermediate data products, or the final data products sent to observers or the archive.

While the roman_datamodels repository would seem like the location of the Roman datamodels, it is the combination of the schemas in the rad repository with the converter software in the roman_datamodels that form the totality of the datamodels. The schemas are intentionally kept separate to remove dependencies on Python as well as preventing extra notification noise to the ground system when changes are only made to the Python code and not the schemas.

The following documentation outlines the basic relationship between these elements with links to some examples and a list of existing datamodels.

It should be noted that how datamodels are implemented for Roman has significant difference from those used for JWST. These differences will be explained at various points in the documentation.

Datamodel Outline

To some extent, this is also a summary of how the ASDF converter machinery works, as applied to Roman ASDF files.

Unlike the JWST datamodels, where nodes of the ASDF tree are essentially generic regardless of what the content is (that is to say, except for GWCS and arrays, no tags are used), for Roman, they mostly do have specific types and have unique tags in the ASDF file. As it turns out, the nodes are usually generic (with a few exceptions) in that outside of having specific class types, they behave as generic dicts and lists.

There are advantages of doing it this way which are:

  • Unlike JWST, the code to convert between ASDF and python is much more modular rather than one monolithic module.

  • Given that there is a strong desire to reuse as much of JWST calibration code as possible, and that not all metadata has the same names or values, this approach allows presenting the Roman version to the JWST code by aliasing Roman terms to JWST corresponding terms (e.g., Roman optical_elements to filters), or similar kinds of mappings that reduce the need to complicate the calibration code.

  • It specifically identifies the type of ASDF node rather than relies on the current convention of the type depending on the location in the ASDF tree. For example, the node can be passed to functions that can verify that they are receiving the right node type.

  • It makes defining schemas for data models simpler rather than the “kitchen sink” approach used for JWST schemas that consist of a union of all possible attributes, where many do not apply to specific datamodels. The Roman datamodels can be made much more specific to what is and is not expected in a particular data file.

As the ASDF file is read, each tag invokes the appropriate code to convert the node contents to the corresponding Python object.

One other important difference in the ASDF structure between JWST and Roman is that the content starts at the top level of the ASDF tree. Unfortunately there is no mechanism to tag the tree at the top level. For Roman, all the content was placed as the value of the roman attribute at the top level, and the content is then tagged as one of the permissible Roman datamodels.

Normally the info and search utilities do not look at the contents of the Python objects that tags convert to, but ASDF provides a mechanism to permit such introspection, and the Roman objects make use of that so that info and search works on them.

Each Roman data file type corresponds to a specific Roman datamodel for which there is a corresponding schema file for that datamodel. Any changes to the contents of the data file must be accompanied by corresponding changes to the schema. This ensures that the validation tools stay in sync with the file contents.

Normally the validation is performed when the data are read from and written to the ASDF file. This adds overhead to the processing and can be disabled if the contents can be presumed to be correct, say as being used in normal pipeline operations, but can also be used when diagnosing problems, or in the development of pipeline code. It is particularly useful when receiving possibly modified files from users who claim the pipeline isn’t working with the files they modified (knowingly or unknowingly).

Many pipeline steps rely on the use of datamodels that contain different types of calibration data or information necessary for processing the data.